Taxi Fare and Charges

    • We publish details of our rates in accordance with the guidance of local authorities.

      The fares charged are calculated by the use of the meter in the vehicle. The scale of charges shows the maximum charge which may be made for journeys within the boundary of West Oxfordshire District Council.

      Fares outside this boundary will be agreed with your driver in advance.

    • For the first one tenth of a mile or uncompleted portion thereof £2.40

      For each subsequent tenth of a mile or uncompleted part thereof


    • For each period of 45 seconds or part thereof 0.20

    • For hirings begun at any time of the day with
      more than 4 passengers
      Additional 50% of the above fare

      For hirings begun between 11.00pm and
      7.00 am on any day, and at any time
      on Sundays and Public Holidays

      Additional 50% of the above fare

      Soiling Charge


    • NB Christmas period is defined as between 11.00 pm on
      24 December and 7.00 am on 27 December
      Double Tariff

      NB New Year is defined as between 7.00pm on
      31 December and 7.00am on 1 January

      Double Tariff

    • Do you have a question, query or concern?
      You can contact us by email at
      Or call 07944863098

      Oxfordshire’s Premier Taxi Service